Director Simon Godwin Delivers “Much Ado About Nothing” with a Healthy Dose of Hilarity and High Jinks Shakespeare Theatre Company Jordan Wright November 17, 2022
Rick Holmes and Kate Jennings Grant (Photo/Tony Powell)
I often hear complaints from lovers of Shakespeare’s works that they only want to see what they refer to […]
Jordan Wright November 16, 2019
The high energy Tony Award-winning, Newsies, a lollapalooza of a musical, tapped, spun, swung, belted and leapt its way onto the Fichandler Stage to tremendous applause. A sweetheart of a story about the scrappy young newsboys who went up against the powerful New York City-based newspaper barons, William Randolph […]
Jordan Wright April 16, 2019
If you didn’t live through the junk bond scandal of the mid-80’s you may need a primer before seeing Junk. Though much unfolds through the plot, it’s still a bit complex as to how they committed such monumental financial chicanery in plain sight. The drama centers around the period […]
Jordan WrightSeptember 27, 2018
“The whole damn history of the world is the struggle between the selfish and the unselfish,” pronounces Ed Devery, Harry Brock’s outlier attorney. It was this line from Born Yesterday that put playwright Garson Kanin square in the sights of Senator Joe McCarthy during the House Un-American Activities Committee hearings. Described […]
Jordan Wright October 1, 2016 Special to The Alexandria Times
(L to R) Megan Graves as Alexandra Giddens and Kim James Bey as Addie in Lillian Hellman’s The Little Foxes . Photo by C. Stanley Photography.
Artistic Director Molly Smith kicked off the theatre’s Lillian Hellman Festival, with one of the playwright’s better-known […]
Jordan Wright April 18, 2014 Special to The Alexandria Times
Matthew Amendt as Prince Hal and Edward Gero as King Henry IV production of Henry IV, Part 2. Photo by Scott Suchman.
Right after the gloom and doom set up in Act 1 when we learn that King Henry IV is the […]