Jordan Wright March 1, 2020
SOLD OUT!, read the sign outside the theatre on press night. That I’m writing this with no chance of you securing tickets might seem fruitless, but just in case someone, anyone, cares to read this review, which is entirely needless, I will forge on. After all, it is Signature’s […]
Jordan Wright October 27, 2019
In Sharyn Rothstein’s clever play, Right to be Forgotten, the dilemma of the right to privacy in the digital age versus free speech gets a full-throttle examination. Is the internet our friend or is it our undoing? As a starry-eyed teen, Derril, followed his crush, Eve, around town until, […]
Jordan Wright April 30, 2019
It’s a treat to have Bethesda-based Round House Theater present in DC’s Lansburgh Theatre. Ongoing renovations of Round House are scheduled to be completed in mid-September in time to kick off their fall season. An even better treat was the chance to see this exciting production of J. T. […]
Jordan Wright January 31, 2019
Christopher Geary (Vladimir Putin) in the world premiere of Kleptocracy. Photo by C. Stanley Photography.
Much of what you’ll see in Kenneth Lin’s Kleptocracy is based on historic events – from Vladimir Putin’s rise from a low-level KGB agent to his position as the second president of […]