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Caught Up in the Metaverse During an Election Year Warring Families Underpin This Brilliantly Reimagined Story of Romeo and Juliet at the Folger

Caught Up in the Metaverse During an Election Year Warring Families Underpin This Brilliantly Reimagined Story of Romeo and Juliet at the Folger

Romeo and Juliet Folger Theatre Jordan Wright October 13, 2024

Cole Taylor as Romeo and Caro Reyes Rivera as Juliet (Photo/Erika Nizborski)

Teenagers. What are you gonna to […]

Amadeus ~ Folger Theatre

Jordan Wright November 13, 2019

The Viennese court awaits to hear what the Emperor thinks of Mozart’s latest opera ~ Photography by C. Stanley Photography

Tony Cisek’s brilliant set design featuring the golden curvature of a stringed instrument’s f-hole with its strings running the height of the stage. Festooned with crystal chandeliers, […]