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Synetic’s The Tell-Tale Heart is Absolutely, Positively, Freakin’ Brilliant!

Synetic’s The Tell-Tale Heart is Absolutely, Positively, Freakin’ Brilliant!

The Tell-Tale Heart Synetic Theater Jordan Wright October 9, 2023 Special to The Zebra

Alex Mills as Edgar with the Synetic Ensemble. (Photo/Jorge Amaya)

Yes, I know you read Edgar Allan Poe’s The Tell-Tale Heart in high […]

Phantom of the Opera ~ Synetic Theater

Jordan Wright February 10, 2020 Special to the Alexandria Times

In an extraordinary adaptation of Phantom of the Opera, Director Paata Tsikurishvili re-envisions the Phantom’s world – not as an opera, but as a ballet. It is a tremendous stroke of genius. The most ballet-centric production Synetic Theater has ever mounted, it stars two […]

Alice in Wonderland – Synetic Theater

Jordan Wright October 5, 2015 Special to The Alexandria Times


Kathy Gordon as Alice, Vato Tsikurishvili as Caterpillar. Photo by Johnny Shryock

Alice is very, very, very unhappy. She has had to surrender her favorite playthings to a recently hired cruel-hearted governess, Ms. Prickett (Renata Veberyte Loman, later seen in the role […]

Beauty and The Beast – Synetic Theatre

Jordan Wright December 8, 2014 Special to The Alexandria Times

Irinka Kavsadze as Belle, Vato Tsikurishvili as The Beast. Photo by Johnny Shryock

In Ben and Peter Cunis’s original adaptation of Gabriel Bardot de Villeneuve’s classic tale of Beauty and the Beast, the audience finds themselves catapulted into a dark world of […]

The Picture of Dorian Gray at Synetic Theater

Jordan Wright September 29, 2013 Special to The Alexandria Times

Joseph Carlson as Lord Henry and Dallas Tolentino as Dorian Gray. Photo by Koko Lanham

If I told you Synetic Theater was producing one of its much-lauded plays from their Silent Shakespeare series, you might have an inkling as to what to wrap […]