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Whisk and Quill Wishes All Gastronomes, Oenophiles, Theatre Mavens and Wanderlusters a Sparkling New Year Full of Fresh Footsteps and Delicious Dishes

Thank you dear readers for pursuing life’s intriguing and ever-evolving adventures with Whisk and Quill in 2013. This December celebrates my sixth year as a food and travel writer and third year as theatre critic for the Alexandria Times. And though my life has gravitated more to the keyboard than cooktop, to the […]

Cavalia Odysseo Rides Into National Harbor

Jordan Wright September 23, 2013 Special to The Alexandria Times

The Travelers III / Les voyageurs III

On October 9th the equine extravaganza that galloped into town four years ago will return with an even more spectacular show. Sixty-nine horses ranging from Andalusian and Arabians, Belgians to Appaloosas, and […]