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Misery is a Gripping Psychological Thriller from Dominion Stage

Misery is a Gripping Psychological Thriller from Dominion Stage

Misery Dominion Stage Jordan Wright October 22, 2023 Special to The Zebra

L to R: Ellice McCoy as Annie, Robert R. Heinly as Paul (Photo/Cleo Potter)

Backgrounded by a mix of 1940’s film noir music with a smattering of […]

Suddenly Last Summer ~ Avant Bard Theatre

Jordan Wright March 4, 2020

There’s something rather quaint about Tennessee Williams now. His sultry Southern romances no longer seem shocking, though the stories are like listening to a fine storyteller spinning a yarn on the veranda of an old house on a steamy summer night. They’re always captivating and, though we know it […]