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Jane Anger is Comedic Gold Starring Michael Urie and Amelia Workman

Jane Anger is Comedic Gold Starring Michael Urie and Amelia Workman

Jane Anger Shakespeare Theatre Company Jordan Wright December 29, 2022 Special to The Zebra

Amelia Workman in Jane Anger (Photo/DJ Corey Photography)

Jane Anger (Amelia Workman) steps out onto center stage to address the audience. She is fierce […]

Hamlet ~ Shakespeare Theatre Company at Sidney Harman Hall

Jordan Wright January 24, 2018

Avery Glymph as Marcellus, Michael Urie as Hamlet and Federico Rodriguez as Horatio in Hamlet ~ Photo by Scott Suchman.

Michael Kahn’s swan song in his final season as Artistic Director at the Shakespeare Theatre Company will prove to be a lasting memory of his herculean efforts […]